- Up to 30Hours – £4.50
- Before School – £5 per session
- Weekends £5.00 per hour (Special arrangement only)
- Parent/child sickness – full fee
- Childminder sickness – no fee
- Bank holidays – full fee (If falls on a contracted day)
- Parent holiday – full fee
- Childminder holiday (4 weeks) – no fee
- Drop in/emergency care – £5 per hour
- Sibling discount: 10% (second child).
All fees are charged to the half hour
Fees will be reviewed in April of each year
Please Note The Following
A. If the child is collected earlier than the stated time, the full fee still applies.
B. All contracted hours must be paid for in full regardless of attendance. A position has been reserved for your child and it is not normally possible to fill that position at short notice should your child not attend. All extra hours i.e. those reserved over the weekend etc. must also be paid for in full regardless of attendance.
C. Late drop off does not constitute late collection.
D. If the Parent collects the child more than 10 minutes later than the stated time then a standard late fee of £5-00 will be charged. This will also apply if the child is more than 10 minutes early. If I am notified beforehand then the standard overtime rate for that period will apply. Early drop offs will not be accepted without prior arrangement, as this is normally a limited service due to OFSTED number restrictions.
Please inform me by telephone, at the earliest opportunity, if you expect to be late or your child will not be attending for any reason.
E. Parents are to pay Pre-school fees (Nursery, Playgroup, etc.) and the full rate will be charged if the child is in my care during the Pre-school time. If the child is not in my care during the Pre-school time then half rate will be charged. This enables me to retain the child’s position during their schooling times.